
Dr. Yuan received his PhD degree in management science and engineering from the Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He is currently an Associate Professor of information systems at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. His research interests focus on business intelligence, information technology management, social media and networks, and information security management. His research has been published in Decision Support Systems, Information Sciences, The Computer Journal, and Applied Mathematics and Computation, and presented at a number of computer science and information system conferences. He is a member of AIS/CNAIS and SESC. Dr. Yuan co-chaired the 2014 China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM). He also co-chaired the poster track at the BigDataScience2014/Socialcom2014. Courses:– Digital Media Digital Market (undergraduate) – Data Mining (graduate) – Management Information Systems (undergraduate)

博士招生专业 硕士招生专业

120200工商管理 120100管理科学与工程

04方向: 大数据与营销管理

02方向: 信息管理与电子商务

