李 艳:女,博士,副教授,理论物理专业,构造地质学专业构造动力方向硕士研究生指导教师,近年来从事地球深部物理及其动力研究。先后毕业于河北大学和中国科学院(硕博连读)。参加国家自然基金项目《量子链与量子花样体系的获得和物性》(10074064)和国家重大基础性(973)研究项目《纳米材料科学和纳米结构-纳米结构组装体系合成与设计》(Grant No. 19990645)等两项国家级项目(已结项并获得了国家优秀科研成果奖)。近三年内在国际权威学术期刊上发表12篇研究论文,其中有10篇论文被SCI收录(其中4篇被SCI和EI同时收录)。目前承担河北省教育厅重点科研项目《地核物态的量子统计物理及其可能的地磁场效应》(项目负责人)。
1. Yan Li(李艳), Chang-Hui Ye, Li-De Zhang, Xiao-Sheng Fang, and Yu-Gang Zhang. Novel SiO2 Nanotubes: Synthesis from ZnS Nanowires Templates and Visible Photoluminescence at 615 nm. Chemistry Letters, 2004, Vol.33: 1638-1639. (SCI收录)
2. Yan Li (李艳), Changhui Ye, Xiaosheng Fang, Lei Yang, Yanhe Xiao, Lide Zhang. Fabrication and Photoluminescence of SiO2-Sheathed Semiconducting Nanowires: The Case of ZnS/SiO2. Nanotech., 2005, 16: 501-505. (SCI收录)
3. Yan Li(李艳), Changhui Ye, Xiaosheng Fang, Lei Yang, Yanhe Xiao, Lide Zhang. Synthesis and growth of the facet-tipped In2O3 nanowires. J. Cryst. Growth, 2005. (revised).
4. Yan Li(李艳), Changhui Ye, Lei Yang, Yanhe Xiao, Lide Zhang. On the growth and Structural Features of self-assembled In2O3 nanostructures. ( submitted).
5. Lei Yang, Yan Li(李艳), Yanhe Xiao, Changhui Ye and Lide Zhang. Synthesis of Tb3+ Doped ZnO Nanowire Arrays Through a Facile Sol-Gel Template Approach. Chem. Lett., 2005. Vol.34, No.6, 2-3. (SCI收录)

