

想跨专业考新疆师范大学的基础数学研究生 请问好考么?










c区有心理学专业研究生的学校有:广西师范大学、内蒙古师范大学、宁夏大学、新疆师范大学、贵州师范大学,云南师范大学。你要多注意关注考研信息网、中国研究生招生信息网等网站的学校调剂信息 。那个研究生调剂系统开通以后,会有很多学校的调剂信息在上面公布。

274分有些危险,到时候你看到有调剂信息的学校,就直接发邮件或者打电话。如果非常想走的话,有面试机会就过去。也可以在网上查询这些c区研招办的电话,一个一个 的询问,看有没有调剂名额。有没有机会调剂。云南师范大学很好,就是因为地域的问题,所以很多学生不报。


云南大学 0871-5033837

昆明医学院 0871-5356320

西北师范大学 (0931)7971932

西北民族大学 0931-2938046

宁夏医学院 0951-4095934

青海师范大学 0971--6309024

新疆大学 (0991)8582567

贵州大学 0851-5114114

内蒙古师范大学 0471-6203301




Good morning/Good afternoon, my respectable teachers and professors. Today I feel very honoured to be here to take the reexamination.

Fisrt of all , please allow me to introduce myself.

My name is ———— I’m 22 years old and I come from the beautiful city——_ which is famse for its _----in ___ province . In July 2010 ,I will be graduated from____University . During my undergraduate period, I majored in psychology .

Generally speaking , I’m an optimistic、 open-minded、ambitious and determinded girl . In the sense of mine ,the most important thing in a person’s life is that he must have a dream or an object ,then make it true. This is meaningful. My father once told me “The man who holds firmly his dream and keeps kind and tolerant will finally succeed.” And I kept it in mind and do my best to fulfil my dream .

Four years university education made me independent .It gives me lots of things to learn and lots of chances to try and lots of practies to improve my self . During the past four years ,I have built up a solid foundation of professinal knowledge as well as rich experiences of social actives.

Besides what I have introduced myself above .I also have many interests in my spare time. I like sports, especially ball sports. Basketball is my favorite sports. On one hand it can improve my body health, on the other hand, it makes me recognize the importance of team work. I’m a basketball fam .I like watch the NBA matches, because it tells me that never give up until the last second , then amazing will happen to you.

Ritht now, I think that I’m young and I need to learn more to improve myself .However, after four years learning of psychology, my professional knowledge is still superficial at present . I want to have a better sight into this discipline, to broad my view in psychology and enhance my research ability .So I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate course in Zhengzhou University which I have desired for a long time. I have a dream that I can acquire knowledge in this well-known university .I have a dream that I can addict myself to my beloved psychology here ,and I will do my best to fulfill this dream!

Ok, that’s all ,thanks for your attention.




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