1997-1999 日本京都大学 博士后
1992-1995 中南财经大学 博士
1989-1992 中南财经大学 硕士




1.宋华 刘林艳,2012,服务外包的影响因素、组织方式与治理机制探究,《预测》。
4.Hua Song and Chatterjee, S. R,2011,Achieving competitive advantage in service supply chain: evidence from chinese steel industry. Chinese Management Studies, Vol.1, forcoming
5.Hua Song and Chatterjee S. R,2010,Achieving Global Supply-Chain Competitiveness: Evidence from the Chinese Auto Component Sectors,Chinese Management Studies, Vol. 4 ,No.2 ,pp.101 - 118.
6.Hua Song,Chatterjee S. R. and Wang, L,2010,The Impact of Trust and Learning on Firm Innovativeness in Clusters: The Moderating Role of Environmental Competitiveness,Global Journal of Management and Business Research,Vol.10 Issue 3,pp.18 – 29.
7.Hua Song and Lan Wang,2010,Does inter-firm learning and trust promote firm innovativeness? Frontiers of Business Research in China, Vol.4, No. 2.
8.Hua Song and Song Yuanfang,Summer2009,Impact of Inventory Management Flexibility on Service Flexibility and Performance: Evidence from Mainland Chinese Firms,Transportation Journal, Vol. 4, Issue 3.
9.Hua Song and Yu Kang-kang,2009,Research on Configuration and Innovation of Service Supply Chain: A Case Study. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, Vol.1.
10.Hua Song, Samir Ranjan Chatterjee and Yu Kang-kang,2009,Access Flexibility, Trust And Performance In Achieving Competitiveness: An Empirical Study Of Chinese Suppliers And Distributors,Journal of Chinese Economics and Foreign Trade Studies, Vol.1.
