

In today’s world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?


Four centuries ago, when science and technology were still at their infants, Shakespeare’s play had already gained great popularity among common people; now, with technological advances at their unprecedented, works of J.K. Rowling and George R.R. Martin still have the power to ignite people’s passions. Why, one may wonder, can arts still capture people’s interest?

The irreplaceable role played by writers and artists is that their works inspire people’s imagination. Unlike electronic gadgets churned out relentlessly by technological companies that only make people become addicted, books and paintings produced by artists broaden people's horizons and set their minds free, even if they are “limited by walnuts” of reality.

Also, arts tell people to appreciate works of others, while in science and technology, inventors always try to surpass achievements of forerunners. The difference lies in the nature of what is superior in these two areas. In arts, there is no right and wrong, but high and low works. Thus, a man trained in arts is able to differentiate advertisements on screen from murals on the ceiling of Sistine Chapel. By contrast, scientists of our times are often too busy to cast glances at past accomplishments of their counterparts even years ago.

Finally, arts allow people to have a degree of self-knowledge, which scientists and experts tend to ignore. When visiting galleries, people are often awed by the splendour of the works, knowing that the author is somehow favored by God. Thus, a sense of insignificance arises in them, which makes them obey rules set by nature. However, in recent years, scientists, especially biologists, have manipulated their newly discovered power, gene editing technology, to the end they define— too bold a behavior that may give rise to an avalanche of ethical problems.

In conclusion, writers and artists set people mentally free, endow them with a sense of appreciation, and allow them to have a degree of self-knowledge, all of which can not be offered by advanced science and technology
