雅思考试 | 如何搭建“有趣的谈话”——三步破解本季度终极难题

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雅思考试 | 如何搭建“有趣的谈话”——三步破解本季度终极难题

本季Part 2 “describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend (描述一个和朋友的有趣谈话)” 这个话题,题目的要求看似很宽松,但是又好像没有什么内容可以说。




interesting conversation

with your friend

首先,interesting这个词即是破题点,它在《牛津词典》中的定义为“arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention” ,故可以进一步转换为:“与原始认知有差异,故而引发好奇或兴趣”。

由此得到以下范围更为具体的方向:special, surprising, inspiring, hilarious, thought-provoking 等。






2. 主体段



2)主观的“有趣”部分可以与开头段破题时“与原始认知有差异”的出发点相呼应, 说明自己原本以为的是什么样子,然而后来发现是什么,从而具象化“差异”;

3. 结尾段

体现出与自己原有认知的差异性;这个部分回应了题目中的“why you think it was interesting”。



It happened last summer, when one of my best friends dropped by. After having lunch together, we thought it would be fun to watch the Winter Olympics. So there was an interview, in which Gu Ailing, an Olympic champion from China, said that she slept for over 10 hours the night before the game. I was like, blown away!

I said 'No way! You never knew that a top athlete like her would spend over 10 hours just sleeping! ' My mouth was dropping at that time. I explained that the reason why I was so shocked was that I used to think that top athletes were all workaholics to some degree, and they should spend most of their time practicing, like, you know, they would wake up early in the small hours of the morning and then keep practicing.

My best friend, who happened to be an expert in this field, replied that top athletes are not so different from ordinary people in many aspects. For one thing, they need as much rest as any one of us to guarantee a high-level performance the next day. He also emphasized that many potential injuries or damages to our body could be largely avoided if we allow our body some time to rest, which often happens in deep sleep.

I was like, that was mind-blowing! I kind of understood that to be successful doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to push your limits all the time, you just have to rest well and then go back to where you were, fully recharged. I realized the reason why I always felt easily distracted and fatigued was actually the fact that I didn’t get enough sleep! No wonder I’m not so productive and efficient in my daily tasks.

